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Raw Beet & Carrot Noodle Salad

I have been trying to eat raw foods up until dinner time. It gives me so much energy and my belly feels so light because it is not weighed down by digesting heavy foods.

What's great about drinking my greens in a smoothie for breakfast is that frees up my lunch options away from the traditional green salad. (Not that I don't love me a giant green salad sometimes!) I snack on nuts, fruits and veggies in between meals so I'm never hungry!

P.S. I'm not going to lie - spiralizing a beet is an arm workout. I'm thinking it might be time to upgrade beyond my little spiralizer! But the taste is well worth the effort.


Beet & Carrot Noodle Salad (serves 1)


-1 large carrot spiralized thick -1 medium beet spiralized thick -1/4 avocado cubed -Sprinkle of sesame seeds

Blend for dressing:

-1 ripe small orange or clementine -2 tsp balsamic vinegar -dash of salt


Toss and enjoy!

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