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Homemade Vegetable Broth from Juicing Leftovers

We use vegetable broth all the time for sauteing and in soups. Store bought can be loaded with sodium but still a great improvement over artery- clogging oil!

If you already juice occasionally, this is a great option for how to use the leftover pulp. I keep a gallon Ziploc bag in the freezer and add to it each time I juice. When it's mostly full I follow the directions before for delicious broth!



1. Green juice ingredients.

2. The resulting deliciousness.

3. Throw the pulp in the Instant Pot with approximately 8-10 cups water. Set to Manual for 20 minutes. Could also be thrown in a slow-cooker on low while you're at work and finish the remaining steps when you get home.

4. Strain in mesh colander.

5. Resulting yummy, no sodium vegetable broth. Store in refrigerator Potential step 6 could be adding the strained veggies to your compost pile.

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